Identifying the Perfect Composite Decking for Your

professional installation for spacious composite decking

It’s generally known that composite decks drive up the visual appeal and value of your home.

But getting the perfect composite deck for your home is not so easy. There are so many choices in the market.

There are several factors that are instrumental in helping you identify the right composite deck to suit your needs and preferences. They include:

professional installation for spacious composite decking



1. Cost: How Much are You Willing to Spend?

Composite decks come at different prices, to suit customers from all economic backgrounds.

If you are on a tight budget, you can consider purchasing a simple composite deck with basic features. But while such a deck will do the job, you shouldn’t be so confident in its durability and aesthetic value.

But if your finances aren’t limited, it is always recommended to go for a top-of-the-line composite deck whose quality is guaranteed by long warranties.

NewTechWood offers a 25-year limited warranty on all composite products.


2. Location: Where Will You Install the Composite Deck?

The location of your home should also influence your choice of a composite deck. Generally, low-quality composite decks are susceptible to damage caused by the elements of nature such as heavy rain, extreme heat, and snow. This means that they are not suitable for outdoor decking in regions that experience such weather conditions.

Such regions require superior quality composite decks.

The capped composite decking from NewTechWood incorporates UltraShield Technology, which shields your deck from the harsh weather elements. This makes it an excellent choice regardless of the location of your home.


3. You: Are you a Hands-On Type of Person?

The ease or complexity in the installation of a composite deck is purely dependent on the deck’s brand. Some composite decks require some technical knowledge on deck installation, making the installation a complicated process.

If you don’t like hefty DIY decking installation projects (who does?), then you need to consider purchasing composite decks whose installation process is easy.

And no deck fits this description better than the new NewTechWood’s Deck-A-Floor Pro. You are provided with an easy-to-use guide and all the accessories required for the installation of a composite deck. Installing a deck has never been this easy.


4. Environment Friendliness: Is Conservation of Nature a Priority to You?

Composite decks are made out of recycled plastics and wood – two raw materials whose exploitation is closely linked to global warming.

So apart from making your home look beautiful, you will also be helping to conserve the environment when you buy a composite deck. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

NewTechWood takes pride in being among the few brands known to manufacture composite deck boards using recycled plastics, so as to be in line with nature conservation. As much as 95% of the raw materials used to manufacture NewTechWood composite decks are recycled plastics from plastic containers and bottles.

Each month NewTechWood consumes an estimated 12 million pounds of recycled plastics in composite deck manufacturing, most of which would otherwise end up in landfills and pollute the environment. We make sure the right type of plastic goes into the manufacturing process to maintain our top-notch standards.

NewTechWood cares about you, your family, and the environment.